Deploy .msu as an Application in ConfigMgr 2012
I have had a few scenarios that caused some grief when needing to create an application in ConfigMgr 2012 to install an .msu like the Microsoft RSAT tools. These can be tricky because you do not always know what kind of detection method to use as you do not always know where it installs or what files to detect.
Below is the steps to import an .msu. In this example we will import the RSAT tools and then create a custom detection method using vb script. The vb script will query WMI for the KB article number and if it finds that it is installed it will Echo a response. After finding how to use the custom script solution it really makes things easy if you know how to use/write/modify vb scripts because as long as you place an Echo in your script for when it should detect something ConfigMgr thinks it was found. The Echo is what ConfigMgr looks for when an item is detected and does not matter what the Echo response is.
1. WMIScriptMicrosoftUpdatesDetectionMethod.vbs
a. Copy this so you can import it via ConfigMgr or just copy and paste the code when needed below
2. Microsoft RSAT Tools
a. Windows 7
b. Windows 8
Setup Application
1. Open ConfigMgr 2012 console
2. Select Software Library
3. Expand Application Management
4. Expand Applications
a. Click Create Application from the Ribbon
b. Create Application Wizard
i. General
1. Manually Specify the Application Information
2. Next
ii. General Information
1. Fill in all required fields
2. Click Next
iii. Application Catalog
1. Fill in all required fields
2. Click Next
iv. Deployment Types
1. Click Add
2. Create Deployment Type Wizard
a. General
i. Type: Script Installer
ii. Manually specify…
iii. Click Next
b. General Information
i. Fill In required fields
ii. Click Next
c. Content
i. Content Location
1. Go to the UNC path of your downloaded files
ii. Installation program
1. For Windows 7 x86
2. For Windows 7 x64
3. For Windows 8 x86
4. For Windows 8 x64
iii. Uninstall Program
1. For Windows 7 x86
2. For Windows 7 x64
3. For Windows 8 x86
4. For Windows 8 x64
iv. Click Next
d. Detection Method
i. Use a custom script to detect the presence of this deployment type
1. Click Edit
2. Script Type: VBScript
3. Click Open and browse to the script downloaded earlier or paste the code into the script contents section.
a. ***Modify the code as needed per KB article
4. Click OK
ii. Click Next
e. User Experience
i. Installation behavior: Per system
ii. Logon Requirement: Whether or not a user is logged on
iii. Installation program visibility: Normal
iv. Click Next
f. Requirements
i. Click Add
1. Category: Device
2. Condition: Operating System
3. Rule type: Value
4. Operator: One of
a. Specify the specific OS for your deployment
5. Click OK
ii. Click Next
g. Dependencies
i. Click Next
h. Summary
i. Click Next
i. Completion
i. Click Close
3. Click Add (if you need to setup for a different OS or OS version and go through the above steps again)
4. Once Complete Click Next
v. Summary
1. Click Next
vi. Completion
1. Click Close
c. Finish the application by distributing content and deploying the application to a collection