Friday, September 18, 2015

Windows 10: Fully Remove Universal Apps for All Users

Windows 10: Fully Remove Default Universal Apps


To help others in fully removing the default universal apps for use of deployment in a corporate image.

Table of Contents

Purpose. 1

Scope. 1

Procedure. 1

Remove Universal Apps. 1

Deployment 1



Fully remove Universal Apps from system in order to have a clean image for deployment


Remove Universal Apps

1.       Copy the following script and save it as a .ps1 file (This script leaves the store intact for NEW user profiles.)




$modernApps = @(@("Microsoft.3DBuilder","microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps","Microsoft.BingFinance","Microsoft.BingNews","Microsoft.BingSports","Microsoft.BingWeather","Microsoft.BingTravel","Microsoft.BingHealthAndFitness","Microsoft.BingFoodAndDrink","Microsoft.People","Microsoft.WindowsPhone","Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection","Microsoft.WindowsSoundRecorder","Microsoft.XboxApp","Microsoft.WindowsCamera","Microsoft.ZuneMusic","Microsoft.ZuneVideo","Microsoft.Office.OneNote","Microsoft.SkypeApp","Microsoft.MicrosoftOfficeHub"


foreach ($modernApp in $modernApps) {


    Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online | Where-Object {$_.PackageName -match $modernApp} | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online




Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | Remove-AppxPackage


a.       You can obviously remove some of the apps listed at the top of the script to leave them on the machine like Microsoft.BingWeather if you want to leave Weather intact

2.       Run the following command from Powershell as an Administrator

a.       powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -file ".\SomeFile.ps1"

                                                               i.      “.\SomeFile.ps1” is the name of the file you save the script above as

3.       If you need to get into the store after the script is run you may need to delete your profile and let it recreate.  All of the default apps will still be removed but Store will return.


1.       You can deploy this by creating a script and run it during a task sequcne step within MDT or ConfigMgr or Caputre a new .WIM for deployment as part of your base image



Windows 10: Customize and Deploy Start Menu

Windows 10: Customize Default Start Menu


To help others in creating a default start menu layout that can then be deployed via imaging solution.

Table of Contents

Purpose. 1

Scope. 1

Procedure. 1

Create Start Menu Modifications. 1

Export Start Menu Layout 1

Apply Start Menu Layout 1

There are two options to apply the change. 1

Option 1 (Microsoft Articles) 1

Option 2. 2

Deployment 2



Customize Start Menu for deployment


Create Start Menu Modifications      

1.       Update Grouping Lables, Pinning or UnPinning applications, and reorder any Pinned applications to create your custom start menu.

Export Start Menu Layout

1.       Once your modifications are complete open powershell

2.       From Powershell run

a.       Export-StartLayout –path <path you have access to>\CustomLayout.xml

                                                               i.      ***Ensure the path exists before you start or the export will fail

Apply Start Menu Layout

There are two options to apply the change

Option 1 (Microsoft Articles)

1.       Launch Powershell as Administrator

a.       Run “Import-StartLayout –layoutpath <path you saved the xml>\CustomLayout.xml –MountPath C:\”

b.      All New Profiles created on the system will have the new Start Menu layout and users will still be able to customize it.

Option 2

1.       Rename CustomLayout.xml to LayoutModification.xml and copy to C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Shell

a.       All New Profiles created on the system will have the new Start Menu layout and users will still be able to customize it.


1.       You can deploy this by creating a script to copy the xml file or run the import-startlayout command during a task sequcne step within MDT or ConfigMgr or Caputre a new .WIM for deployment as part of your base image.  You could probably also deploy the customization as a group policy preference.