Tuesday, July 19, 2016

ConfigMgr 2012 Name Computer During OSD Task Sequence

ConfigMgr 2012 Name Computer During OSD Task Sequence


I needed a way to prompt for computer name during the OSD sequence.  I found an old post by texasmcse found here that got me started.  The second part that was needed was to get some validation around the name that is input so it would follow our naming standards.



I created a new script with parts of code from the post above to prompt for a site code, then prompt for computer role, and finally it takes the last 7 characters of the serial to form the computer name.  It uses a csv file to validate the site code and role are correct before moving on.  If there is an incorrect configuration it will respond and start over.  It will check the computer name that is stored in the task sequence variable _SMSTSMachineName.  If the variable is set to MININT it will prompt for computer naming.  If it is set to something else, it will utilize what ConfigMgr is passing it.  I hope this is useful to others.  I am sure the code could be cleaner but it works well. In the code the CSV file is named Win10OUMap.csv.  The Win10OUMap.csv file has 5 columns in the following order; Name,OU,BusinessUnit,SiteCode,Role.  This is a ; delimited file.  The Name column is what is used to validate the name of the computer as it will contain the site and role format to ensure it is valid.  When you modify the script file remember that when you import a CSV file in VB the first column is 0 not 1.  Again hope this helps.


'On Error Resume Next

Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Set NetworkObject = CreateObject("WScript.Network")

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

set SCCMenv = CreateObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment")


'Find if known in SCCM

NameLookup = SCCMenv("_SMSTSMachineName")

'NameLookup = "MININT-234343"

SearchChar = "MININT"

'msgbox NameLookup

StrComputer = "."

IF inStr(NameLookup , SearchChar) Then

              SiteCodeMatch = 10

              SiteRoleMatch = 10

              PCNameMatch = 10

              Validated = False

                             'Get Computer Serial Number

              Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")

              Set colSMBIOS = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_SystemEnclosure")

              For Each objSMBIOS in colSMBIOS

              SNStr = objSMBIOS.SerialNumber

              SNShort = RIGHT(SNStr,7)

                             'msgbox snshort


              Do While answer <> vbYes

                             Do While Validated = False

                                           Do while SiteCodeMatch < 20

                                                          set SiteCodeFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("Win10OUMap.csv")


                                                          SiteCode = InputBox ("Enter the 4 Character Site Code" & vbCrLf & "I.e. CORP=Corporate, OLME=Mesa, INDY=Indianapolis etc..", "Prompt for Site Code:",,0,0)

                                                          SiteCode = UCase(SiteCode)

                                                          'msgbox SiteCode

                                                                        Do while NOT SiteCodeFile.AtEndOfStream

                                                                                      arrStrSiteCode = split(sitecodefile.ReadLine,";")

                                                                                       strSiteCode = arrStrSiteCode(3)

                                                                                      IF SiteCode = strSiteCode Then

                                                                                      'msgbox "EQUALS " & strSiteCode & " " & SiteCode

                                                                                      'msgbox "I Match"

                                                                                      SiteCodeMatch = 20

                                                                                      Exit Do


                                                                                      'msgbox "Not Equal " & strSiteCode & " " & SiteCode

                                                                                      'msgbox "I dont match"

                                                                                      End IF



                                                                        IF SiteCodeMatch < 20 Then

                                                                        MsgBox  "Invalid Site Code!  Site Codes are defined as a 4 Character Location, I.e. CORP=Corporate, OLME=Mesa OpenLane, INDY=Indianapolis, BOST=Boston, OLTO=Toronto Openlane etc.. If you do not know your site code please contact the ServiceDesk.", 69680


                                                                        End IF



                                           'wscript.echo SiteCode

                                           'wscript.echo SiteCodeMatch


                                           Do while RoleCodeMatch < 20

                                                          set RoleCodeFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("Win10OUMap.csv")


                                                          RoleCode = InputBox ("Enter the Single Character function role of the Computer," & vbCrLf & "i.e. W=Workstation L=Laptop K=Kiosk, B=Block, D=Digital Arb etc...", "Enter the Computer Role for " & sitecode & ":",,0,0)

                                                          RoleCode = UCase(RoleCode)

                                                          'msgbox RoleCode

                                                                        Do while NOT RoleCodeFile.AtEndOfStream

                                                                                      arrStrRoleCode = split(RoleCodefile.ReadLine,";")

                                                                                      strRoleCode = arrStrRoleCode(4)

                                                                                      IF RoleCode = strRoleCode Then

                                                                                      'msgbox "EQUALS " & strRoleCode & " " & RoleCode

                                                                                      'msgbox "I Match"

                                                                                      RoleCodeMatch = 20

                                                                                      Exit Do


                                                                                      'msgbox "Not Equal " & strRoleCode & " " & RoleCode

                                                                                      'msgbox "I dont match"

                                                                                      End IF



                                                                        IF RoleCodeMatch < 20 Then

                                                                        MsgBox  "Invalid Role Code!  Roles are Defined as a single character for the function of the Computer i.e. W=Workstation L=Laptop, K=Kiosk, B=Block, D=Digital Arb etc.. If you do not know the Function codes for site " & SiteCode & " please contact the ServiceDesk.", 69680


                                                                        End IF



                                           'wscript.echo RoleCode

                                           'wscript.echo RoleCodeMatch

                                           PCName = SiteCode & "-" & RoleCode & "-" & SNShort

                                           set PCNameFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("Win10OUMap.csv")

                                           Do while NOT PCNameFile.AtEndOfStream

                                                          arrStrPCName = split(PCNamefile.ReadLine,";")

                                                          strPCName = arrStrPCName(0)

                                                          IF inStr(PCName , strPCName) Then

                                                          'msgbox "EQUALS " & strPCName & " " & PCName

                                                          'msgbox "I Match"

                                                          PCNameMatch = 20

                             '                            Exit Do


                                                          'msgbox "Not Equal " & strPCName & " " & PCName

                                                          'msgbox "I dont match"

                                                          End IF



                                           IF PCNameMatch < 20 Then

                                           MsgBox  "PC Name is Invalid!  PC Name does not meet the standards in the PC Name to OU Map file.  If you do not know the naming standards for the site " & SiteCode & " please contact the ServiceDesk.", 69680

                                           Validated = False

                                           SiteCodeMatch = 10

                                           RoleCodeMatch = 10


                                           'MsgBox "PCNameValid"

                                           Validated = True

                                           End IF



                                           If PCNameMatch = 20 Then

                                                          answer = MsgBox("Are you sure this correct?" & vbCrLf & PCName, 69668, "Verify Name")

                                                          IF answer = vbNo then

                                                                        SiteCodeMatch = 10

                                                                        RoleCodeMatch = 10

                                                                        Validated = False



                                                          PCNameFinal = PCName

                                                          'msgbox PCNameFinal

                                                          SCCMenv("OSDComputerName") = PCNameFinal

                                                          End If


                                           answer = vbNo

                                           End IF




'msgbox "Did not match"

End IF

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